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Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

Board Members and Staff

Stephen Rumburg

Business Manager/President

Joseph Ferone

Business Agent/Recording Corresponding Secretary/Construction Delegate

Virginia Myers

Business Agent

Brandy Bradsher

Office Manager

Abiathar Wade

Vice President

Shawn Sanford


Ron Murphy

Financial Secretary

About Us

The International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) is a progressive, diversified trade union that primarily represents operating engineers, who work as heavy equipment operators, mechanics, and surveyors in the construction industry, and stationary engineers, who work in operations and maintenance in building and industrial complexes, and in the service industries. IUOE also represents nurses and other health industry workers, a significant number of public employees engaged in a wide variety of occupations, as well as a number of job classifications in the petrochemical industry.

This representation is the core of IUOE’s mission. From ensuring protections of prevailing wages on public projects, to alleviating healthcare costs through coalition building, to improving our contractors’ competitiveness, IUOE has and will continue to be tirelessly dedicated to the common interests of its members.

Founded in 1896, IUOE today has approximately 400,000 members in 123 local unions throughout the United States and Canada. IUOE is the 10th largest union in the AFL-CIO. Over 100 state-of-the-art training and apprenticeship programs ensure that IUOE members are the safest, most productive, and highly skilled craft workers.